The researchers Sara Cazzoli and Laura Hermosa have visited this week the department of Earth Physics and Astrophysics, for a scientific collaboration involving IFU data from the new MEGARA instrument with professors Africa Castillo and Armando Gil de Paz.
Dr. Sara Cazzoli is researcher at the IAA (Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía) and she was accompanied by her PhD student, Laura Hermosa.
Both gave a talk on Thursday 27 June entitled “Optical spectroscopy of nearby AGN-LINERs”, where they presented the results from their recent studies (*) of 31 local LINERs (z < 0.025) mainly drawn from the Palomar Survey, on the basis of optical long-slit spectroscopic observations with TWIN/CAHA, ALFOSC/NOT and HST/STIS.
Sara and Laura explored the AGN-nature of both type-1 and type-2 LINERs by studying the broad Hα component (originated in the broad line region). Then, they derived a reliable interpretation of the different component of emission lines by studying their kinematics and ionization mechanism.