“STARS4ALL night sky brightness photometer”

We have developed several devices to monitor sky brightness at night
TESS-W is the first version of a series of inexpensive but reliable photometers that are used to measure night sky brightness. This photometer has been designed based on Cristobal García photometer TESS.
Hundreds of units have already been deployed around the world. The photometers on the TESS network share their measurements in an open data repository.
Browse the poster presented during the IAU 2018 in Vienna for more info (left) or check the following article describing the device:
“STARS4ALL night sky brightness photometer”
TESS-P has been designed to use as a hand help portable photometer
TAS allows you to obtain all-sky brightness maps
This is a portable, cheap, open source NSB photometer controlled by a raspberryPi that gathers information in RGB colors and SQM bands.The working prototype has 4 channels and 4 detectors, custom made electronics based on TESS. Cheap filters and cloud sensor.
COELOFOT has been presented in the XXIX IAU General Assembly, Hawaii. August 3-14 (2015)
Professor Jaime Zamorano:
Facultad de Ciencias Físicas UCM
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