Bio Sketch

I obtained my PhD at Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) with honors (Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado y premio a la mejor tesis doctoral de la Sociedad Española de Astronomía).
An important part of my PhD thesis was done at the Kapteyn Institute (The Netherlands) financed by a NOVA fellowship.

After defending my PhD thesis, I spent one year  in Australia (at Swinburne University) and another one in Switzerland (Ècole Polytechnique Féderale de Laussane) before moving to the UK with a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship. I came  back to Spain with a Ramon y Cajal contract at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, where I became a permanent Profesor Contratado Doctor (Associate Professor) in 2012. Since October 2019,  I am a Profesor Titular at the UCM.

Born in Madrid, a few minutes after my twin and raised in Moratalaz (“if you have not been there you have not seen the earthly paradise”,  Joaquin Sabina dixit).

Main scientific achievements:

During my PhD thesis, I focused on the study of the stellar population properties of early-type galaxies in different environments, finding important differences in the timescale of star formation for cluster and field galaxies at the same mass, differences that were more important at the low mass end. During my PhD, I also built a stellar library, MILES, which is still one of the most popular libraries in the construction of stellar population models.

During my stays in Australia and Switzerland, I worked in the study of extragalactic globular clusters and extended my studies about the properties of galaxies in different environments as part of the ESO Distant Cluster Survey (EDisCS). After that I started working in the development of chemo-dynamic simulations in a cosmological context using both, grid and particle based codes.

International Recognition:

Author of 145 refereed papers with 9587 citations and h = 51 (NASA-ADS). Member of the ESO Time Allocation Committee (TAC; including its committee ‘at-large’) (2007-2009), member of the Spanish Ministry (MINECO/MCIU) evaluation panels in both Astronomy & Space areas (2015-2017), member of the MINECO/MCIU “Jovenes Investigadores” evaluation panel (2016), member of the “Ramón y Cajal” evaluation panel (2011), ANECA evaluator (2010-), member of the scientific commission of the Spanish Astronomical Society (SEA) (2009-2010), external evaluator of the Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología of Argentina (2007) and the Euskadi Government (2013), member and co-chair of the La Palma TAC (2015-2016), President of the OAJ Observatory TAC. Member of the SOC/LOC for over a dozen national and international meetings, including being both SOC and LOC member of the IX SEA meeting (2010) and lead organizer of the IAU 321 symposium (2016). Referee for 5 different Q1 journals.


I have authored and co-authored over 130 publications in refereed journals. To view a list of the articles, please see my profile in the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System