On January 21, the Faculty of Physics hosted the presentation day of IPARCOS (Instituto de Física de PARtículas y del COSmos), an institute that, according to its current director, Fernando Arqueros, “works in particle physics as well as astrophysics, cosmology and advanced instrumentation and applications”.
The GUAIX Group is one of the five groups that compose the institute along with:
– TEFM: Effective theories in Modern Physics (PI: A. Dobado)
– GFN: Nuclear Physics (PI: J. M. Udías)
– GAE: High Energy Physics (PI: F. Arqueros)
– SEEF: Stellar Systems, Spectroscopy and Photometry (PI: D. Montes).
These groups are spearheading research in Physics of Particles and the Cosmos and have been collaborating for over six years in the framework of two Consolider-Ingenio large-scale national projects, CPAN and MultiDark, and also the AstroMadrid R&D program of the Comunidad de Madrid. Moreover, a strong collaboration has also been maintained in postgraduate training in both Master and Doctorate programs
IPARCOS is created with 41 permanent members, adding those who are completely permanent and those who are in the process of becoming permanent, such as assistant doctors, Ramon y Cajal… In addition, there are researchers in training, which are approximately another 40.
IPARCOS researchers work in facilities of the Faculty, but are also part of international collaborations with outside teams, such as the astrophysical observatory of Roque de los Muchachos with the MEGARA instrument and the Cherenkov telescope, the Calar Alto observatory in Almería, nuclear physics groups in developing particle accelerators.