I received my PhD in Astrophysics in November 2014 and the subject of my dissertation was the study of Milky Way-like galaxy simulations. During my PhD, I participated in the Gaia collaboration by providing mock catalogues to be used as pre-launch tests. I also spent one year of grad school in the IA-UNAM and the CRyA (México) where I worked in collaboration with experts on N-body simulations (Dr. Valenzuela, Dr. Colín), on galaxy formation and cosmology (Dr. Avila-Reese) and on Galactic astronomy (Dr. Pichardo). I also spent a short period in the Kapteyn Institute of Physics (Netherlands), working with experts in Milky Way Galaxy kinematics and dynamics (Dr. Helmi and Dr. Antoja).

After my PhD, I moved to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where I worked as a postdoc with the Astrophysics/Cosmology group, in particular with Prof. Dekel, for two years. I worked with VELA (Ceverino et al.) and NIHAO (Wang et al.) simulations. I also collaborated with Prof. Primack and Dr. Prochaska in the UCSC (California) and with Prof. Sternberg in TelAviv University, in the study of the circumgalactic medium. I participated actively in the AGORA project looking for strengths and weaknesses of the commonly used numerical codes. Later, in 2018 I moved to Universidad Complutense de Madrid with a “Talentos-CAM Modalidad B” Fellowship, were I am currently working in the GUAIX and MEGARA groups.
I have used several supercomputer facilities all around the world (e.g. NERSC, Nasa-Ames, BSC-MareNostrum, Atócatl-Miztli). I am also an expert on several numerical codes, both AMR and SPH (e.g. ART, RAMSES and GADGET-2).
Now I am co-leading the effort of producing a large set of high resolution galaxy simulations, including new physics like AGN and SMBH. Since May 2018 I am the Coordinator of the “CGM and Clumps” working groups of the AGORA Collaboration that includes more than 50 researches from more than 20 different research institutions.
See my profile in the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System