“The nuclear activity and central structure of the elliptical galaxy NGC 5322”
Bil Dullo attended the ‘SKA in Spain’ meeting at Granada this week with a talk about “The nuclear activity and central structure of the elliptical galaxy NGC 5322”. His contribution showcased best strategies to exploit synergies from a large sample of high-resolution, multi- wavelength data, including from HST (optical and infrared) and e-MERLIN (radio continuum observations).
He gave particular emphasise to an extraordinary elliptical galaxy NGC 5322 with radio jet, diffuse core, counter rotating stellar disk and outer stellar halo, where the high-resolution optical and radio structural analyses taken together allowed to firmly constrain the three-phase assembly of the galaxy.
His conclusions highlighted that similar approaches could be adopted to exploit high-resolution and high-sensitivity radio observations of radio sources from the next generation radio telescope (SKA).
Other GUAIX members attended the RIA SKA meeting in Granada, including África Castillo-Morales, Mario Chamorro-Cazorla and Armando Gil de Paz (SOC member).