Cities at Night – Educational Unit

This didactic unit on the Cities at Night citizen science project aims to generate social awareness about the problem of light pollution, bring scientific research closer to schools and of course encourage young people to participate in the project. This teaching material will allow you to work in the classroom with high school students with…

Open call for citizen science projects

ACTION is looking for new and ongoing citizen science projects related to any form of pollution in Europe and worldwide. Successful applicants will receive €20,000 to help deliver a six-month pilot with the help of the ACTION team. The funding can be spent on salaries, equipment, consumables, travel, subcontracting to other entities, and indirect expenditure…

Dr. Sara Cazzoli and Laura Hermosa-Muñoz (IAA) visited the UCM

The researchers Sara Cazzoli and Laura Hermosa have visited this week the department of Earth Physics and Astrophysics, for a scientific collaboration involving IFU data from the new MEGARA instrument with professors Africa Castillo and Armando Gil de Paz. Dr. Sara Cazzoli is researcher at the IAA (Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía) and she was…

Bil Dullo gave a talk at the “Spain in SKA” meeting

“The nuclear activity and central structure of the elliptical galaxy NGC 5322” Bil Dullo attended the ‘SKA in Spain’ meeting at Granada this week with a talk about “The nuclear activity and central structure of the elliptical galaxy NGC 5322”. His contribution showcased best strategies to exploit synergies from a large sample of high-resolution, multi-wavelength data, including from HST (optical and infrared) and…

ESO Director General visits the UCM

ESO Director General, Xavier Barcons visits the Faculty of Physical Sciences Xavier Barcons visited the Complutense University on Friday 5 April, invited by IPARCOS and he gave a talk, entitled ESO: Building and operating the most powerful ground-based telescopes. Barcons explained to a room full of researchers and students how is the day to day…